Christian W. Schrieb diese Beschwerde und sendete sie, zusammen mit einem Journal das alle erlebten Folter- und Misshandlungsfälle schilderte an UN Philippines, Amnesty Philippines und die Philippine Commission on Human Rights.
Das Protokoll der Hauptsitze erfordert eine erstmalige Beschwerde bei den philippinischen Standorten obwohl diese bereits seit Jahrzehnten als nutzlos bekannt sind.
Amnesty Philippines hat überhaupt nicht geantwortet, di UN Philippines erklärte kein Mandat zu haben. Nur die philippine Commision on Human Rights reagierte, sendete ihren besten Mann, Field investigator Albert Figueras, mit dem es zu einer unglaublichen Konversation kam, die Christian W. bereits nach zwanzig Minuten empört abrach, die sie jedoch unter diesem Link selbst nachlesen können, müssen...
January 30. 2016, Muntinlupa City
Dear Madame, dear Sir,
the philippine gouvernment agreed to the declaration on human rights of the United Nations, which state under article III, section 19, paragraph 2 very clear, that no punishment of physical, psychological or degrading nature shall be employed and that inmates can not be held in situations under subhuman standard .
The New Bilibid Prison under the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) violates this constitutional granted rights of its inmates in such excessive way, that i have to complain:
Superintntendent Richard W. Schwarzkopf,acting official in charge for NBP - Maximum Security Compound
General Ricardo Rainier G. Cruz III,acting director of Bureau of Corrections
Violations on Human rights, Article III, Section 19, Paragraph 2
- Employment of subhuman standard
- Employment of malnutrition (starvation) on inmates
- Endangering of inmates through lifethreatening confinement
- Discrimination of foreign Inmates
1. Employment of subhuman Standard
Inmates of a prison facillity rely exclusively on the supply through prison authorities in all basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, housing and public safety.
The BuCor houses inside the NBP - Maximum Security Compound its 15.000 inmates in 6 massive buildings and 6 baracks, all together arround 13.000sqm, less than one square meter per inmate.
Beside the minimum food supply the BuCor provides NOTHING for its inmates, excepted a bucket of dirty water what get pumped unfiltered out of the ground and a T-Shirt every year, exceptional donations are not worth to mention.
The T-Shirt must be worn every day and the water must be enough for taking a shower, loundry the T- Shirt and the daily need of drinking water, even it is unconsumeable, causing beside diariah and amobia infections a lot other deseases.
Hence it is strictly prohibited to bring this T-Shirt outside the prison to get an orderly loundry, inmates organiced with donations a proffessional loundry, 3 washing machines for 15.000 inmates. The project got terminated by BuCor, considering the basic need of proper loundry to prevent skin deseases and parasites such as sqabies, ringworms or other, as a "LUXURY ITEM".
No soap, no shavers, no toothpaste or brush, no underwear, no shorts or pants, no shoes, nothing get provided, the inmates have to suffer on less than a squaremeter space on the cement floor while hoping for donations of family, friends or churches.
2. Employment of Malnutrition (Food)
The average human with 80 kg bodyweight and a height of 170cm needs, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), at least 2200 to 2500 calories to maintain his condition and stay healthy. During a diaet this consumption can be reduced to 1500 calories for a short period of time to lose body fat.
A daily consumption of 500 to 800 calories a day is considered as STARVING. It shall not be done longer than 3 days and only under observation by a doctor because it can cause beside dehydration also a damage of the kidney.
The Bucor provides barely 400 to 500 calories a day in form of 150gr (dry weight) lowest quality rice, not more than 250 calories and fish, meat or other like a egg, not more than 50gr per meal with not more than 50 to 75 calories per meal.
2. Employment of Malnutrition (Drinking water)
The average human needs acording to the WHO in a subtropic environment 3-5 liters drinking water a day to avoid dehydration and resulting damage of kidneys and other vital organs, especially foreigners from colder regions like europe.
The BuCor dont provide any consumable drinking water. The provided water get pumped lokal unfiltered out of the ground and contains beside visible dirt countless kinds of bacteria, causing especially by foreign inmates beside diariah and stomach kramps infections like amobia, coli or worse. Even filipino inmates with better immunity system for this water get permanent sick and are afraid to drink it.
The complaints in this matter are countless and got commented in TV on January 2015 by Mrs. Leila de Lima, former Secretary of Justice and former Chairman of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights with the expected sarcasm:
"What is good enough for Filipinos to drink is good enough for Foreigners..."
3. Endangering of inmates through lifethreatening confinement
The BuCor houses its over 15.000 inmates at the Maximum Security Compound in 6 Massive Buildings and 6 Barracks with a combined space of around 13.000 sqm, stairways and bathrooms excluded. Every building is divided in dormitories what are nothing else as DEATH TRAPPS.
In the last 3 years i almost got killed 4 times !!! Twice by a granade what exploded not far from me, once by a guy running amok with a knife and on time by a fire...
The dormitories are inside an endless labyrinth of improvised rooms, nailed together with plywood and carton, disregarding every kind of firesafety or structual stability. Like children with hammer and nails on the adventure playground, every thing got nailed together as it came, single floored buildings became up to three floors in the inside.
The rooms are connected to the powergrid with thousands of meters cable, crisscross up and down, only loose drilled together and fixed with electrical tape, what is certitified only up to 24 volts in cars, as we all know.
On March 2013 i nearly got killed as my room stood in flames while i was sleeping, after my neighbor had an electrical malfunction, while he was shopping.
I barely made it out, in the last second and on all four crawling under a stampede of 300 inmates on tiles, slippery as ice from water. Luckily i suffered only from smoke poisoning for some days and a deep cut in my foot - luck what the poor victims of countless fires in philippine prisons not had and i also would not have had, if it would have happened in the middle of the night...
After that incident i wanted to install circuit breakers, what got rejected by BuCor with the explanation: "Electrical Appliances are not allowed in NBP"
4. Discrimination of foreign Inmates
- The BuCor grants filipino muslime inmates the right for their own dormitory o stay under each other because of their different needs on religious and cultural aspects. Even transgender and homosexual inmates have their own dormitory because of their different culture and interests.
- Foreign inmates have to stay shuffled among filipino inmates even they have absolut different needs in language, lifestyle, cultur and hygiene
- The BuCor grants for filipino inmates several legal aid services, small offices what are fully equipped with computers, printers etc, organiced and runned by filipino inmates.
- Foreign inmates have none of that, even they have totally different needs in proceedings, formats and protocols, speak and write different languages and even they would organice everything from their own money. They shall write their documents by hand, give it to filipino inmates for typing and have to "adjust" to filipino understanding of foreign standards, proceedings and protocols, while hoping for their good will.
- The BuCor grants filipino inmates the right for a countless variety of recreation, such as over 20 videoke terminals, high powered sound systems for their basketball games, professional electric band equipment, even high powered flood light for their sports courts. In every eatery and every store countless soudsystems and TV's are allowed, additional to the common TV areas inside the dormitories.
Foreign inmates with the same rights for recreation and freedom of information can't have any of that, not even the smallest portable TV is allowed for them, even the most have no knowledge of filipino language and even they pay their electric as filipino inmates do.
Final discussion
The mentioned violations are only a view of an endless variety, what would expand this complain over a moderate frame.
Finally it have to be manifested that :
- The BuCor is not capable and not willing to house its inmates in human standard conditons, provides only 0.8sqm per inmate.
- The BuCor is not capable and not willing to grant its inmates basic hygiene, clothing and basic humanitarian needs, provides only a T-Shirt every year, insists on subhuman standard.
- The BuCor is not capable and not willing to provide its inmates sufficient with food and consumable drinking water, provides only 400 to 500 calories a day.
- The BuCor is endangering its inmates with the confinement in life threatening housing and environment, ignores every kind of safety standards.
- The BuCor discriminates foreign inmates, ignores constitutional rights of equallity of humans, independent of their nation, religion, etc
It lays clear on the hand, the environment can be considered as torturing and the violations on human rights have methode:
A minimum in supply under the worst possible conditions to minimize the llfe expectence, a principle what we Germans remember very well from the time under the Nazi Regime, only with the difference that the german concentration camps had no videoke and BuCor no Budget to build Gas chambers...
Christian A. W.
Prisoner Nxxx-Pxxx
Copy furnished to:
United Nations Philippines
30th Floor Yuchengco Tower RCBC Plaza ,
6819 Ayala Avenue cor. Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue
1226 Makati City Metro Manila
Amnesty International Philippines
18-A Marunong Street, Barangay Central,
1100 Quezon City, Metro Manila
Commission of Humanrights Philippines
Martin Jose Luis Caslon
Saac Bldg Commonwealth Ave, UP Complex Diliman
1100 Quezon City, Metro Manila
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Legal and Consular Affairs
25/F Tower II, RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Ave
1200 Makati City, Metro Manila
Departement of Justice,
Secretary Alfredo Benjamin S. Caguioa
Padre Faura Street
1000 Ermita, Metro Manila
New Bilibid Prison
Maximum Security Compound
Superintendent Richard Schwarzkopf
1776 Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila
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